Nagasaki Wellness establishment

Nagasaki Wellness establishment

Society has come a long way in terms of gender equality; however, a gap between men and women still exists and can be easily seen from the lower employment rate and the average income of females in comparison to their male counterparts. Being aware of the female inequality present in the Nagasaki area, Nagasaki Wellness was established last year by Dr. Yoko Arinaga with the purpose of empowering women by providing them with more business opportunities. By teaching basic English to these women, they are now able to communicate with foreign customers which will help them greatly expand their customer base. Nagasaki Wellness aims to promote female-owned health and wellness programs while simultaneously helping foreigners experience quality health services when they visit Nagasaki. Recently, there are four services that Nagasaki Wellness has partnered with including Shiatsu acupressure, Reiki healing, Restorative Tea Ceremony, and Yoni steam. In the future, they plan to expand and partner with many more services to satisfy customers all around the world who are seeking health and wellness programs that have high-quality English communication skills.
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If you want to help these female owners maintain their passionate services, donate at and get a discount up to 30% and many more benefits.