Where to get Navigate Nagasaki’s map
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Where to get Navigate Nagasaki’s map
A common question that you may have when you go traveling is where to get the information and map of that area. As one of the beautiful, convenient, and informative maps of Nagasaki, Navigate Nagasaki’s map is now available in many tourist destinations as well as famous shops in the city. To help you figure out the closest venue to pick it up, below is a list of places distributing the map.
Nearby Dejima (Tram station no.30)
Delicious Restaurant Attic
海鮮市場 長崎港 出島ワーフ店
ジェラートショップ IL MARE
Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum
Nearby Nishihamano Machi (Tram station no. 32)
Animate Nagasaki
Nearby Meganebashi Bridge ((Tram station no. 37)
まちぶら案内所 もてなしや