Restorative Sencha Tea Ceremony

Restorative Sencha Tea Ceremony

The traditional tea ceremony is a staple of Japanese culture that showcases the hospitality and grace evident in Japanese society. Not only do tea ceremonies have an important place in the history and culture of Japan, but they also help Japanese people live more slowly amidst their face-paced life. Among the various kinds of tea, green tea is of paramount importance and the most popular in Japan. Types of green tea include Sencha, Gyokuro, Tencha, Bancha, and Matcha depending on harvesting time, producing method, planting areas, and time exposed to sunlight. If you are wondering why Japanese people really like green tea, it is because the consumption of green tea brings about a lot of health and beauty benefits. Green tea is one of the reasons why Japanese people have been able to prolong their average lifespan (Bloomberg News, 2006). Drinking green tea can help reduce heart attacks, obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and many other ailments (Sabu et. al., Chin Med 2010). The most popular green tea is Sencha, which accounts for 70% of all green tea in Japan due to its aromatic smell and bittersweet taste. It also has a low caffeine content compared to other kinds of tea. If you have a chance to come to Nagasaki, please take the time to participate in a Restorative Sencha Tea Ceremony to enhance your health and experience a piece of traditional Japanese culture and history. What is more wonderful than this kill-two-bird-with-one-stone experience? Visit our website to get more information and make a reservation.

Restorative tea ceremony