About Navigate Nagasaki
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About Navigate Nagasaki
Here is some information about why Navigate Nagasaki was created and an explanation of our English-friendliness rating system.
Nagasaki is a historic gem of Japan that rightfully receives a lot of tourist attention; however, despite the steady flow of tourists that visit the city each year, Nagasaki remains behind the curve in providing support for their visitors. Navigate Nagasaki was created to combat this matter head-on. By assembling a team of foreigners residing in the city, Navigate Nagasaki has been able to not only create maps and information aimed to assist English-speaking tourists, but do so with a unique perspective. Since the members are from abroad, they have experienced first-hand the trials and tribulations that are inevitable upon arrival to the city. Using this knowledge, the Navigate Nagasaki team has been able to mold their materials to cater to the specific needs of those visiting the city. Furthermore, since every member of the group is an English speaker, they are able to sufficiently rate the English-friendliness of the destinations, restaurants, and shops that they encounter. Using their past knowledge as a foreign visitor of Nagasaki as well as their English skills, the Navigate Nagasaki team has been able to create authentic English-friendly information that will help guide inbound tourists during their trip to this beautiful city.
The English-friendliness rating is based on a scale totaling three stars. Each star represents an aspect of the place that contributes to its overall English-friendliness. The first star indicates that the place has an English website. The second star indicates that the place provides English materials. For tourist destinations, this is often in the form of information pamphlets or signs. For restaurants, this is often in the form of menus. The third star indicates that the place has staff that can communicate adequately in English. Places that are awarded three stars demonstrate exceptional English-friendliness.